Tag Archives: trends in selling


4 Big Changes Coming To How We Market and Sell

4 customer engagement trends

For the last 20 years the way we sell has been evolving. In the past 5, it has accelerated with the rapid proliferation of social networks, cloud and mobility.

Have you ever stopped to think how peculiar it is that when change happens really fast, it is so noticeable, yet when it happens gradually, we’re surprised when the change finally becomes apparent?

Take yourself for instance.  Every morning we rise and most of us go through our routine.  At some point we look in the mirror and since we do it every day we rarely notice how much we’re changing.

It isn’t until you see an old photograph of yourself or you meet an old friend that you notice just how different you look.

Our professional lives have a lot of parallels to this analogy about change.  As we progress throughout our careers, we as individuals change, our roles (often) change, our company’s change and the people we work with change as well.

However, because we rarely look at all of the small changes at one time, we just become accustomed to small shifts and they tend to not really affect us until we see the impact of many small events leading to a very different world.

Perhaps you are wondering what all of this means.  What does our changing face or the evolution of our careers have to do with better selling and marketing to our customers?

The answer is it has everything to do with better selling and marketing because for the last 20 years the way we sell has been evolving and in the last 5 it has accelerated with the rapid proliferation of social networks, cloud and mobility.

If you are in sales, you may be feeling this change, or you may be wondering what I mean, but I assure you that the change is here and in order to continue being successful for the next five, ten or twenty years there are some critical shifts you must be aware of.

Here are 4 important shifts that sales and marketing professionals must integrate into their strategies to ensure continued sales success in the highly connected digital economy.